Hello everyone,
Let's follow Kostantinos' suggestion.
That is, we could re-schedule the next WP2 meeting (15 Nov. 13:00-14:00
CET) as a 2-hours technical call for all WPs (i.e., 15 Nov. 13:00-15:00 CET)
In short, it will be a 2 hours call every two weeks.
If someone has an objection to this or the day/time is not convenient for
them, we could discuss it here.
On Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 4:47 PM Nikos Salamanos
Hello Konstantinos,
If I understand correctly, you are proposing a general meeting for all WPs, every two weeks. We could arrange something like that. CUT is leading WP2 and WP4, so from our side, we need a bi-weekly meeting for WP2 (due to the upcoming deliverables) and a monthly meeting for WP4. We could merge these two meetings into one. Maybe other WP meetings are also active, but I am unaware of which ones.
Nikos Salamanos
On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 5:36 PM Konstantinos Fysarakis
wrote: Hi Pantelitsa, all,
Just voted.
Nevertheless, my suggestion would be to try to merge the calls of the different active work packages into a single 2-hour AERAS technical call (to be held weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the workload). This would be easier on everyone's agendas (also easier from a logistics perspective to find a single common slot, instead of three different ones). What would others think?
Best, K
--- *Dr. Konstantinos Fysarakis* *Chief Technology Officer* *Sphynx Analytics Ltd* *Cyprus*: 108, Nicosia Business Centre, 33 Neas Engomis, Nicosia, 2409 *Phone: *+35722269512 *Mobile: *+306947899480, +35797638684 <+306947899480> *Email: *fysarakis@sphynx.ch *Website: *www.sphynx.ch *Skype: *k.fysar *LinkedIn: *kfysarakis https://www.linkedin.com/in/kfysarakis/
------------------------------ *From:* AERAS
on behalf of Pantelitsa Leonidou *Sent:* 01 November 2022 15:49 *To:* aeras@di.unimi.it *Subject:* Re: [AERAS] - WP4 meeting Dear AERAS partners,
This is a reminder to add your availability for the first WP4 meeting.
I have extended the slots so we can find one that is convenient for all of us.
FYI, all the partners of the projects participate in WP4. So please book a slot at the following doodle link: - https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dRoRjlYe https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dRoRjlYe
Best, Pantelitsa Leonidou (CUT)
On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 2:28 PM Pantelitsa Leonidou < pantelitsa.leonidou@eecei.cut.ac.cy> wrote:
Dear AERAS partners,
We would like to invite *all the partners that will contribute to WP4* to *fill in the following doodle (link to doodle https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dRoRjlYe) with their availability* to schedule our *WP4* meeting.
*Please submit your availabilities by this Wednesday (02/11/2022).*
The objective of this meeting is to discuss with the partners the WP4 tasks, and their contribution to the relevant tasks and deliverables with a focus on the software development.
Best regards, Pantelitsa Leonidou (CUT)
_______________________________________________ AERAS mailing list AERAS@mailman.di.unimi.it http://mailman.di.unimi.it/mailman/listinfo/aeras
-- Nikos Salamanos, Ph.D. Post-doctoral Researcher, NetSySci Research Laboratory, Cyprus University of Technology nik.salaman@cut.ac.cy; niksalaman@gmail.com https://netsysci.cut.ac.cy/nikos.salamanos/
-- Nikos Salamanos, Ph.D. Post-doctoral Researcher, NetSySci Research Laboratory, Cyprus University of Technology nik.salaman@cut.ac.cy; niksalaman@gmail.com https://netsysci.cut.ac.cy/nikos.salamanos/