Dear all,

I hope you are doing well!
We are coming back to you with two requests following our discussion for D2.1:

1. Following our discussion for D2.1, we designed and implemented a questionnaire to collect the requirements and needs of IT experts, doctors, nurses, and administrative staff working in the healthcare sector using the Google Forms platform.

We are sending you a link to preview the questionnaire, and come back to us with your feedback. With this link, you can see all the questions (*note that in practice, some questions will only be visible based on previous responses, under each section, you can see in parenthesis and in bold who is answering these questions)
You can also test the questionnaire yourself using this link

Please wait to circulate the questionnaire to your network this is a draft version.
You can send your feedback to us by the EOB Thursday (24/11/2022). 

2. A kind reminder for the Partners Input for D2.1 from ALL the partners, especially from PAGNI, UPAT, and STS-CY. (deadline: 25/11/2022)

Thank you all for your contribution in advance.

Pantelitsa Leonidou

On Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 5:02 PM Nikos Salamanos <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Based on the discussion we had today, I am sharing with you the information and updates regarding the Deliverable D2.1

AERAS sharepoint space:

Deliverable D2.1
Main document AERAS_D2.1.docx

In the following link, you can find the folders (one per institution) where you can upload any material related to D2.1. 
These materials can help us with the writing, providing a starting point in some sections, etc. 
For example, deliverables from other EU-funded projects, published papers' related work, etc. 
Please upload your contribution by Friday, 25 November.


Nikos Salamanos

Nikos Salamanos, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral Researcher,
NetSySci Research Laboratory,
Cyprus University of Technology