This event has been cancelled. [AERAS] - WP2 & WP4 Meeting Tuesday 22 Aug 2023 ⋅ 2pm – 3pm Eastern European Time - Athens Join with Google Meet https://meet.google.com/rcg-trgz-koq?hs=224 Meeting Discussion Points:WP2:State of D.2.1 - Healthcare Pilots & Cyber Range Training Requirements Analysis Report (lead: CUT) State of D.2.2 - Platform Requirements and Technology Analysis Report (lead: STS-CY)WP4:Discussion about the Tasks' progress Organiser niksalaman@gmail.com niksalaman@gmail.com Guests niksalaman@gmail.com- organiser pantelitsa.leonidou@eecei.cut.ac.cy Konstantinos Fysarakis koumakis@gmail.com tsich96@gmail.com gkagad@gmail.com Ntousakis Grigorios efloros@pagni.gr mepet@pagni.gr nikos.salamanos@eecei.cut.ac.cy stsichlaki@gmail.com Georgios Spanoudakis esyrmas@gmail.com aeras@di.unimi.it Elvinia Riccobene g.darau@aegisresearch.eu Chrysanthos Chrysanthou p.antoniou@aegisresearch.eu ~~//~~ Invitation from Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ You are receiving this email because you are an attendee of the event. To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event. Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to the organiser, be added to the guest list, invite others regardless of their own invitation status or modify your RSVP. Learn more https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37135#forwarding