Dear all,


D2.2 will contain the technical requirements that the platform as a whole, and consequently each single component of reference, must satisfy during the development phase.


In the figure below, taken from WP4 presentation, you can find the mapping of each component with the respective tool owner, that is the responsible of the development.


Following this schema, we kindly ask all partners, and in particular tool owners, to fill the table “Technical Reqs” in the sheet AERAS_Tech_Requirements, you can find in SharePoint under the D2.2 folder, with the requirements you think the platform should satisfy, categorizing them by the Relevant Component(s). Please note that the same requirement can apply to multiple components.


This document, coupled with D2.1, will be the basis over which our platform will the end of development we should compare the stated requirements with the ones actually implemented, aiming at a full coverage.


Please do not hesitate to ask us clarifications and possible change in the table, if needed.











SESAR Lab - Computer Science Department 

Università degli Studi di Milano

Via Celoria, 18
20133 Milano – ITALY
Tel. +39-02-503 16381