Dear AERAS partners, We ask for your contribution to AERAS dissemination through the project's social media accounts. *ALL the AERAS partners* are involved in WP6, so we should all contribute to this effort. *Here are situations where content should be provided:* - New task: Partner’s role in the tasks - Project milestone reached / project activity / deliverables - Publications (AERAS papers or related publications from partners) - Events - Generic posts about Healthcare & cybersecurity and topics of interest - And others… *Pictures/Videos should be provided whenever possible. *Attached you can find the template for your input. Send your input by Friday as a reply to this email.* We plan to have *at least 2 posts per week (8 per month). *We expect that *each partner* will contribute to this *with content for one or two posts per month*. *Please don't forget to follow and share with your network the AERAS social media accounts:* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aeras.eu.H2020 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aeras-eu/about/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/EuAeras Best, Pantelitsa Leonidou CUT