Dear AERAS partners,
We would like to invite
all the partners that will contribute to WP2 to
fill in the following doodle (link to doodle) with their availability to schedule our
WP2 meeting.
Please submit your availabilities by this Friday (21/10/2022).
As per our request for an extension, the deadline for D2.1 and D2.2 will be the end of January 2023 -- we expect confirmation from the coordinator. We aim to have the final drafts of these deliverables before the Christmas holidays and finalize them in January. So, we kindly ask for your collaboration to start working on the related tasks!
Meeting Discussion Points:
- State of D.2.1 - Healthcare Pilots & Cyber Range Training Requirements Analysis Report (lead: CUT)
- State of D.2.2 - Platform Requirements and Technology Analysis Report (lead: STS-CY)
- Discuss AERAS Technologies and Tools (AEGIS - visualization tools, STS-CY-Cyberange Training tools)
- Discuss the requirements based on the two pilots - cyber range system, CSLAs, etc. (UPAT and PAGNI)
* We kindly ask the participants that will contribute with technologies and tools to send any related information (e.g., tools descriptions, documentation, demos, repositories) to CUT by this Friday (21/10/2022).
Best regards,
Pantelitsa Leonidou