Dear all,

I'm happy to inform you that finally the amendment has been accepted with all the changes in Consortium and activities that we have proposed. I'm sorry it took so long, but, trust me, we have encountered all the sort of errors and problems in the platform you can find in amendments.

We have now to rush and revamp the activities. 

First of all, you can start to organize all the missing secondments in order to complete them within the end of the project. Please start bilateral meetings with the hosting organizations in order to set up all quickly.

Then, it is important to synchronize the development work. We should start from some fixed points:

I would like to organize a general meeting on Tuesday 27 on the usual time slot (2PM greek time, please Nikos and Pantelitsa send around the link) where everybody should express own thoughts on what we have to do. In the meanwhile, I would like to have separate one-to-one discussion with the new and old WP leaders to better discuss the work we are going to do. Please contact me when you are available.


Computer Science Department
Università degli Studi di Milano
via Celoria 18
20133 Milano MI