_______________________________________________Hi Pantelitsa, all,
Just voted.
Nevertheless, my suggestion would be to try to merge the calls of the different active work packages into a single 2-hour AERAS technical call (to be held weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the workload). This would be easier on everyone's agendas (also easier from a logistics perspective to find a single common slot, instead of three different ones). What would others think?
---Dr. Konstantinos FysarakisChief Technology Officer
Sphynx Analytics LtdCyprus: 108, Nicosia Business Centre, 33 Neas Engomis, Nicosia, 2409Phone: +35722269512Mobile: +306947899480, +35797638684Email: fysarakis@sphynx.chWebsite: www.sphynx.chSkype: k.fysarLinkedIn: kfysarakis
From: AERAS <aeras-bounces@mailman.di.unimi.it> on behalf of Pantelitsa Leonidou <pantelitsa.leonidou@eecei.cut.ac.cy>
Sent: 01 November 2022 15:49
To: aeras@di.unimi.it <aeras@di.unimi.it>
Subject: Re: [AERAS] - WP4 meetingDear AERAS partners,
This is a reminder to add your availability for the first WP4 meeting.
I have extended the slots so we can find one that is convenient for all of us.
FYI, all the partners of the projects participate in WP4. So please book a slot at the following doodle link:
Best,Pantelitsa Leonidou(CUT)
On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 2:28 PM Pantelitsa Leonidou <pantelitsa.leonidou@eecei.cut.ac.cy> wrote:
Dear AERAS partners,
We would like to invite all the partners that will contribute to WP4 to fill in the following doodle (link to doodle) with their availability to schedule our WP4 meeting.
Please submit your availabilities by this Wednesday (02/11/2022).
The objective of this meeting is to discuss with the partners the WP4 tasks, and their contribution to the relevant tasks and deliverables with a focus on the
software development.
Best regards,Pantelitsa Leonidou(CUT)
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