Dear AERAS partners, Thank you for your contribution to our today's WP2&4 meeting. I am sending a summary of the actions needed per partner as discussed during the meeting. The link to the new version of the deliverable is the following: AERAS_D2.1_v2.docx https://unimi2013.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/AERAS/Documenti%20condivisi/General/WP2%20Requirements%20%26%20Platform%20Design/Deliverables/D2.1%20%20Healthcare%20%20Pilots%20%20%26%20%20Cyber%20%20Range%20%20Training%20%20Requirements%20%20Analysis%20%20Report/AERAS_D2.1_v2.docx?d=wa7048c88d14f48178a11a88902f089b5&csf=1&web=1&e=jeDdWU *ALL -* 1. if there is any content for the *Newsletter*, i.e. any partner action where AERAS is mentioned, please send it to me *within this week*. 2. **SOS** further dissemination of the Requirements Assessment questionnaire ( https://forms.gle/MgHRBMsS9YpEpvYH8 ) *UPAT* - 1. fill the UPAT table in the deliverable 2. fill the UPAT column for the standards and certifications (using MoSCow method) 3. description of UPAT pilot's use cases (see PAGNI input as a reference) *PAGNI* - 1. add a description for each use case 2. fill the PAGNI column for the standards and certifications (using MoSCow method) *AEGIS IT - * 1. Send me the new version of the interviews section *STS and UMIL* - 1. If you have any material you considered useful for the deliverable, please add any input related to CSLAs in the healthcare sector 2. add availability for DEMOs in January (Agenda - Workshops (internal).docx https://unimi2013.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/AERAS/Documenti%20condivisi/General/WP4%20Key%20Components%20Development/Agenda%20-%20Workshops%20(internal).docx?d=wea834418a3bd4644897e93d05def4a20&csf=1&web=1&e=WmNdiO ) *CUT - * 1. gather all partners' input 2. add questionnaire section material 3. have a first-final version in our first meeting in January Feel free to add to this list, if I accidentally missed something. Many thanks in advance! Best, Pantelitsa Leonidou (CUT)