4th International workshop on Information & Operational Technology (IT & OT) Security 2023 (IOSEC2023)
Dear All, Please consider submitting your work to the following workshop: CALL FOR PAPERS =========================================================================== 4th International workshop on Information & Operational Technology (IT & OT) Security 2023 https://drcn2023.upc.edu/IOSEC2023.html Co-located with the International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2023) https://drcn2023.upc.edu/ Vilanova, Spain 17-20 April 2023 =========================================================================== Description/Topics of interest: The recent advancements of ICT have given the opportunity to private and public entities, including Critical Infrastructures & other Operators of Essential Services (OES) to offer new and innovative services, while lowering their operational costs. These advancements were often, however, hastily adopted, without proper evaluation of their impact on security (i.e., expanding & complicating their attack surface), thus leaving current IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operation Technology) systems vulnerable to various kinds of cyberattacks. Motivated by this landscape, the International workshop on Information & Operational Technology (IT & OT) security systems aims to bring together viewpoints from diverse areas to explore the commonalities of security problems and solutions for advancing the collective science and practice of IT and OT security. This workshop is supported by the EU-funded projects JCOP (https://jcop.eu/), PHOENI2X (https://phoeni2x.eu/), FISHY (https://fishy-project.eu/) and IntellIoT (https://intelliot.eu/) and is expected to enable discussions of state-of-the-art and emerging topics in areas that include (but not limited to): • Security architectures and frameworks for enterprises, SMEs, public administration, or critical infrastructures • Threat models for systems and communication networks • Threat detection, analysis, classification and profiling • Incident management • Cyber ranges • AI/ML in cybersecurity • Risk assessment – safety and security • Security validation, testing platforms and developments • Hardware security • Cryptographic engineering • Intrusion Detection & Prevention • Secure software development • Malicious code analysis • Digital forensics • Identity and access management • Privacy enabling technologies SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Submissions of original unpublished papers are solicited. Papers will be reviewed on novelty, significance and contribution to the body of knowledge, correctness, and clarity. We expect all papers to provide adequate detail to enable reproducibility of their experimental results. They should be in pdf IEEE 2-column conference style, limited to five (5) pages. The DRCN 2023 conference is technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the DRCN 2023 proceedings and will be subsequently submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication. At least one author is required to register, at the full rate, to present accepted papers at the conference and for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings and in IEEE Xplore. Authors must submit their papers electronically through EDAS using the link: https://edas.info/N30642 IMPORTANT DATES Papers submission deadline: March 6, 2023 Acceptance/rejection notification: March 13, 2023 Final papers due: March 20, 2023 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Jose Luis Sánchez Martíne (Senior Threat Researcher at BlackBerry Cylance) Presentation title: TBA WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS Manos Athanatos Manos Athanatos (Technical University of Crete, mathanatos@tuc.gr) Vasileios Mavroeidis (University of Oslo, vasileim@ifi.uio.no) Eva Marín Tordera (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, eva@ac.upc.edu) Kontantinos Fysarakis(Sphynx Analytics LTD, fysarakis@sphynx.ch) Kind Regards, Manos Athanatos (TUC/TSI)
participants (1)
Athanatos Manos