second review preparation meeting

Dear all, as discussed in the last review preparation meeting, we are going to have the second meeting of this series on Monday, 9th of January, at 10AM CET. I will send out a Teams invitation, hoping that the most of you will be available. During this meeting, we should start seeing the draft of WP Leaders presentations, in order to synchronize contributions. As indicated in the agenda, the POs asked to cover (if possible) the following points in WPs presentation: * Short presentation of the main research objectives * Current and expected scientific progress * Deviations from the initial work plan * Training, Transfer of Knowledge & Networking * Secondees Presentations Please all unit leaders check that the secondees filled the Secondees FactSheet < neral/MidTerm%20Review/Secondees%20factsheet.xlsx?d=wb53210d1d2364805b36497a b90989daf&csf=1&web=1&e=2VkTxZ> , in order to have a complete view. In the meeting UMIL will present a first draft of the First Year Project Report, that will be submitted after the review following POs recommendations. Please find below some minutes and action points of last meeting * make secondees presentation per secondees per WP * in the first presentation secondees will detail their experience in host org. and their research activities, in other they will report only with research activities for the specific WP * specify knowledge they got and what they give to the host organization (one slide) * table with key points of secondees and WPs (available on Sharepoint) * table with people in the meeting (available in sharepoint) * for the one-to-one interview with POs: * secondees have to read GA and CA, they can ask questions on it. Both are available in the Sharepoint and Admistrative Documents * secondees have to give evidence that clues their rights as researchers has been guaranteed in the host organization * secondees must knew IPR rules (CA and GA) * secondees should report what they did during the stay, giving evidence they have been in the office * we must give more details in use cases, what we want to achieve. Pilots should specify wvery well their training needs * we must present the plan of the future activities in each WP presentation * plan should be connected with secondees schedule Kind regards Fulvio ____________________________________________ SESAR Lab - Computer Science Department Università degli Studi di Milano Via Celoria, 18 20133 Milano ITALY Tel. +39-02-503 16381 ____________________________________________
participants (1)