General Meeting: 10/10/2023 10AM CET
Dear all, looking at the doodle, and giving priorities to unit heads availabilities, the General Meeting will be held on October 10 at 10AM CET. All unit leaders are required to participate, or at least delegate a colleague. The agenda of the meeting will be the following: * Update about report submission (Fulvio) * Update on WPs status (all WP leaders) * Next deliverables * Update on future secondments plan * Expected secondments until the end of the project * Possibility of increase the number of assigned secondments and possible shuffle of PMs among partners * Formalization of inability to reach the target secondments Please find below the link for the connection, a calendar invite will also follow. I take the opportunity to inform you that, thanks to Pantelitsa and Nikos, the joint paper has been submitted today. Kind regards Fulvio ____________________________________________________________________________ ____ Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device < Nzk1LTk3N2QtYjA2MDUyODUxNmZj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2213b55ee f-7018-4674-a3d7-cc0db06d545c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a71edd4f-9020-4f4d-9858-09 7c93ae548f%22%7d> Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 345 549 368 787 Passcode: pgir72 Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) tel:+390230564006,,40194213# +39 02 3056 4006,,40194213# Italy, Milano Phone Conference ID: 401 942 13# < 40194213> Find a local number | Reset PIN Learn More | < 9858-097c93ae548f&tenantId=13b55eef-7018-4674-a3d7-cc0db06d545c&threadId=19_ meeting_YTg1YWZiOTMtOTA3MC00Nzk1LTk3N2QtYjA2MDUyODUxNmZj@thread.v2&messageId =0&language=en-US> Meeting options ____________________________________________________________________________ ____ ____________________________________________ SESAR Lab - Computer Science Department Università degli Studi di Milano Via Celoria, 18 20133 Milano ITALY Tel. +39-02-503 16381 ____________________________________________
participants (1)