URGENT: Deliverable 7.1 - Ethics committees opinion
Dear all, first of all, my wishes for a great start of the new year! As you know, we still have to submit the Deliverable 7.1, that should contain, for each partner, the request submitted to your own Ethics committee and the opinion they gave you on specific Ethics issue they can found about your participation in AERAS. I have included in the Sharepoint the first version of the deliverable, that contains ONLY UMIL and AEGIS contribution. Please all partners act urgently on this matter, providing content based on UMIL one, if pertinent. The deliverable is under the folder WP/ Ethics Requirements/Deliverables/D7.1, accessible also through this link https://unimi2013.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/AERAS/Documenti%20condivisi/Gen eral/WP7%20Ethics%20Requirements/Deliverables/D7.1/AERAS_D7.1-v0.1.docx?d=w7 51bfe07d5d544ca8e13921fee963de7 <https://unimi2013.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/AERAS/Documenti%20condivisi/Ge neral/WP7%20Ethics%20Requirements/Deliverables/D7.1/AERAS_D7.1-v0.1.docx?d=w 751bfe07d5d544ca8e13921fee963de7&csf=1&web=1&e=foaOLn> &csf=1&web=1&e=foaOLn kind regards Fulvio ____________________________________________ SESAR Lab - Computer Science Department Università degli Studi di Milano Via Celoria, 18 20133 Milano ITALY Tel. +39-02-503 16381 http://sesar.di.unimi.it/ http://sesar.di.unimi.it ____________________________________________
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