update on PMs reshuffling
Dear all, I would like to update you on the status of the amendment we should ask to move ahead and reshuffle PMs among partners (thus keeping alive the project ). As I told you, we contacted Mazaryn University since they were the perfect candidate for our project being the developers of the CONCORDIA cyber rage (KYPO). Even if they were interested at the first calls, they rejected after speaking with their managers (this took a week to have a reply from them). The MSCAs approach hardly fits with their staff, they are more keen to research projects that do not involve secondments. We found the availability of two organizations from Cyprus to join the Consortium: Ethical AI (Academic) and Trinomial (non-academic). They can commit 5 ESRs for 12 months each. They are good in web technologies and cybersecurity and they seem very good candidates. We also thought how to organize the work. We think that focusing the work on pilots sites (PAGNI and UPAT) will be the best solution to reach our objectives. Furthermore, CUT is available to perform 12 additional PMs. Both Trinomial and Ethical AI have valid PIC and they are already aware of MSCA-RISE program (they already participated/are participating to it). The possible reshuffle could be the following. * All 48 PMs will be moved from TSI to Ethical AI * 48 PMs will be moved from STS-CY to Trinomial * 12 PM will be moved from UMIL to CUT * 12 PM will be moved from UMIL to Ethical AI * 12 PMs will be moved from PAGNI to Trinomial * UMIL will have its budget reduced from 48 to 24 PMs * STS-Cy will have its budget reduced from 60 to 12 PMs (already reported 3.53 PMs from Nikitakis secondment) * PAGNI will have its budget reduced from 48 to 36 * CUT will raise its budget from 48 to 60 PMs * TSI will leave the Consortium and all its budget will be returned The following table will summarize the new consortium current amendment UNIMI 48 24 CUT 48 60 12 from UMIL STS 60 12 AEGIS 24 24 PAGNI 48 36 UPAT 36 36 ETH AI - 60 48 from TSI + 12 from UMIL Trinomial - 60 48 from STS + 12 from PAGNI TSI 48 - 312 312 Being both Trinomial and Ethical AI both from Cyprus, we can reorganize the secondments assigning all of them to the pilots sites in Greece: Ethical AI to PAGNI and Trinomial to UPAT. To balance, UPAT secondments that were planned to STS-CY can be moved to AEGIS, and my final secondment planned to PAGNI can be moved to Trinomial in 2025. In the amendment we will also ask an extension of WPs and deliverables submission dates. The uncertainties of the last months froze the work, since the work on models is mostly dependent on the choose of the cyber range infrastructure to incorporate. If possible, we will ask a further extension of 6 months, that could be beneficial to the project, if MSCA regulations allow it. I have already contacted the PO. As soon as I have a reply form her, we can organize a call where summarizing all the change to put in the amendment. Best, Fulvio _ ____________________________________________ SESAR Lab - Computer Science Department Università degli Studi di Milano Via Celoria, 18 20133 Milano ITALY Tel. +39-02-503 16381 http://sesar.di.unimi.it/ http://sesar.di.unimi.it ____________________________________________
participants (1)