WP4 - internal workshops/presentations

Hello everyone, As we discussed in the previous meeting, we will organize internal workshops/presentations (in conjunction with the WP4 meeting) where we can present our tools. These presentations will serve as a roadmap for the public workshop that we will arrange later on, during the next year. For this purpose, I am sending you a document where you can book a slot for your presentation. Agenda - Workshops (internal).docx https://unimi2013.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/AERAS/Documenti%20condivisi/General/WP4%20Key%20Components%20Development/Agenda%20-%20Workshops%20(internal).docx?d=wea834418a3bd4644897e93d05def4a20&csf=1&web=1&e=yVHfis Best regards, Nikos Salamanos -- Nikos Salamanos, Ph.D. Post-doctoral Researcher, NetSySci Research Laboratory, Cyprus University of Technology nik.salaman@cut.ac.cy; niksalaman@gmail.com https://netsysci.cut.ac.cy/nikos.salamanos/
participants (1)
Nikos Salamanos