- WP6 - Partners' Social Media Profiles and Websites
Dear AERAS partners, I kindly ask you to add the links to your social media profiles and websites of your organization to the following excel file: Partners_Social_media_profiles_websites.xlsx https://unimi2013.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/AERAS/Documenti%20condivisi/General/WP6%20Communication,%20Dissemination,%20Impact%20Creation/Partners_Social_media_profiles_websites.xlsx?d=wc7e3e6de4367475db56f4cb95292e512&csf=1&web=1&e=F2rkHV We need this information to ensure that we tag the correct entity in our AERAS posts and where ever we need to mention the links. **Additionally, this email is a reminder to request the following action of ALL the partners:* *By the end of this month, we will need to report to the MTM review the number of followers, likes, and shares as an indication of AERAS impact.* Please, all the partners,* follow, like, and interact with the AERAS social media profiles. * It will take only a few minutes of your time! I am listing here the profiles for your convenience: - *Facebook: *https://www.facebook.com/aeras.eu.H2020 - *Twitter:* https://twitter.com/EuAeras - *LinkedIn: *https://www.linkedin.com/company/aeras-eu Best, Pantelitsa Leonidou CUT
participants (1)
Pantelitsa Leonidou