ACTION: Special Issue - Cybersecurity in Healthcare

Dear all,
i think this is the opportunity to have the first flagship paper for the
The paper can be a position paper about the aim and motivation of the
project, exploiting the first results we had from WP2 work and, in
particular, from the analysis of interviews and questionnaires. Being a
position paper, there is no need to show results or major achievements.
I propose you a structure as follows:
* Brief introduction on AERAS and the need of cybersecurity training
for Healthcare
* A short related work taken and updated from D2.2
* A description of the findings from questionnaires and interviews to
highlight the needs of cybersecurity training in healthcare
* A description of the proposed architecture, and a discussion on how
our project can help to fill the gap in healthcare cybersecurity training
I think all secondees that wants to collaborates should be included in the
authors list. Please if you are willing to participate, please indicate the
part you wish to contribute.
I have prepared an OverLeaf project containing a first skeleton of the paper
with some notes. Include your name and details in the authors section. You
can access it through this link
participants (1)