Dear all,
for those that still have to fill the doodle, please provide your
availability for the Mid Term Review.
Please all partner (that still have to do it) send us the request and the
comment they received from their DPO about the participation to the project,
to be included in D7.1.
Kind regards
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 9:39 AM
To: ''
Subject: Important communication
Dear all,
the PO just communicated us the details about the Midterm review.
It will be held on the first week of February. We can decide if make it a
one- or two-day meeting. I suggested to the PO to have it only on one day
since the activities just started and we cant fill two days.
Please find below the doodle to decide the final date. ONE VOTE PER PARTNER.
Please select at least two consecutive days in order to organize the
rehearsal the day before.
the meeting will be hybrid: in presence in Milan and remotely. Most likely
the reviewers will participate remotely, but the asked us to make it hybrid
anyway, it can be an opportunity to catch up.
Secondments are strongly invited to participate and present their work, but
its ok if someone is missing (in particular the one that is no longer
working for PAGNI). In the review there will be a meeting with seconded
staff and the reviewers, where they can discuss about their experiences and
critical issues of their seconded periods. In this meeting Team Leader do
not participate.
Secondly, I would like to inform you that our request to move ahead
deliverables deadline has been accepted. In particular:
* D2.1 and D2.2 revised to 31-1-2023
* D7.1 on ethics issues revised to the end of November
* D1.4 first periodical report revised to the end of February
Please all partner (that still have to do it) send us the request and the
comment they received from their DPO about the participation to the project,
to be included in D7.1.
Kind regards
SESAR Lab - Computer Science Department
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Celoria, 18
20133 Milano ITALY
Tel. +39-02-503 16381