AERAS - WP6 - Deliverable 6.1. Dissemination and Communication Plan

Dear all, I am re-sending this email since we have now the official mailing list of project AERAS as a kind reminder to share your dissemination and communication plans. Greetings! I am Pantelitsa Leonidou and I am a Postgraduate Researcher at NetSySci Lab of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and Informatics at Cyprus University of Technology (CUT). I am currently at a Secondment at AEGIS IT Research (AEGIS). In accordance with the WP6 's deliverable D6.1 Dissemination and Communication Plan, I am sending this email to kindly ask each of you to share any - activities - actions - channels - other material related to the dissemination/communication/exploitation *you have already planned/done or you are planning* related to the dissemination/communication/exploitation of AERAS project results. The D6.1. deadline is on month [12] of the project. Please, send the related information to me by the *26th of October 2020.* The description of deliverable from the Grant Agreement follows: =================================================== [image: image.png] The deliverable in WP6 will describe the general communication and dissemination strategy of the project. Specific dissemination, exploitation, and communication activities will be described in the interim (end of year 2) and final (end of year 4) project reports. D6.1: Dissemination and Communication Plan [12] Description of the planned dissemination and communication activities and channels. =================================================== Thank you in advance. Looking forward to your feedback! Kind regards, Pantelitsa Leonidou, Postgraduate Researcher, Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)
participants (1)
Pantelitsa Leonidou