Dear All,
The meeting to resolve some communication issues will be on 23 October 10 a.m. This meeting will be online on our Teams channel (Consiglio di Indirizzo Centro MOBE | General | Microsoft Teams). The meeting will max. one hour.
I will soon send you a new Doodle for an official Consiglio meeting to discuss the last items of our agenda and some other issues that have come up.
Best wishes,
Martin Kater PhD
Professor of Plant Molecular Genetics
Department of Biosciences
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Celoria 26
20133 Milan
Tel Office +39 02 50315050
Tel mobile +39 347 7107515
Fax. +39 02 50315044
Presidente Centro Funzionale Museo Orto Botanico di Brera ed Erbario
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Brera 28
20121 Milano - Italy
Tel. + 39 02 503 14685/14683