Dear All, Today there was quite some “corridor” discussion going on about the meeting we had yesterday in which we exchanged ideas and observations regarding the movies that Simon made and for which he was interested to know how he could use this in the frame of MOBE. This afternoon I had a call with Simon and we agreed that a meeting to discuss how we could transform this valuable initiative of Simon into a more structured project for MOBE. Simon and I already exchanged some interesting ideas which we would like to share and discuss with you. I don’t want to load your agenda with many more meeting but if you are interested to contribute to this meeting then please respond to the Doodle latest Monday 14 October. This meeting could be hybrid or online only….still to decide. Best wishes, Martin Martin Kater PhD Professor of Plant Molecular Genetics Department of Biosciences Università degli Studi di Milano Via Celoria 26 20133 Milan Italy Tel Office +39 02 50315050 Tel mobile +39 347 7107515 Fax. +39 02 50315044 Presidente Centro Funzionale Museo Orto Botanico di Brera ed Erbario Università degli Studi di Milano Via Brera 28 20121 Milano - Italy Tel. + 39 02 503 14685/14683 https://ortibotanici.unimi.it