Begin forwarded message:

From: Karin Metzlaff <>
Subject: 7th Fascination of Plants Day 2024 launched today
Date: 15 December 2023 at 12:14:27 CET
To: Karin Metzlaff <>
Cc: "" <>, John Fitzgibbon <>, Trine Hvoslef-Eide <>, Przemysław Wojtaszek <>

Dear EPSO Representatives and Supportign Scientists (all in bcc),
A similar email will be sent to Personal Members
EPSO jointly with 59 countries and their FoPD National Coordinators launches today the 7th Fascination of Plants Day 2024.
We encourage all of you to organize interactive events for the public around the FoPD 18th May 2024.
Events can happen from March to November 2024, with a peak in May, on 18th May.
This is crucial to show why basic and applied plant research and the manyfold uses are important for society.
It can attract students, scientists and entrepreneurs to plant science.
Pls disseminate it widely in your networks to encourage scientists, companies, farmers, schools etc. to organize events as well and upload them on the respective FoPD country page.
We attach the Press Release, as well at
Website (EPSO) and (FoPD).
X #PlantDay (FoPD) and (EPSO)
LinkedIn (EPSO)
      Instagram (FoPD)
Facebook (FoPD)
Looking forward to exciting events 😊
Karin, Odd Arne, John, Trine and Przemo
EPSO Executive Director, EPSO President, FoPD global coordinators