R: Robohome2.0 starting point. CONFIDENTIAL.

Dear all, I have sheen GiraffPlus activity ( I think it is type approved) and I agree our main effort should be focus on creating a network for monitoring physical and cognitive activity of the elderly people living at home. So I have several ideas and I would like to explain below: 1- Development of a Robohome Web 2.0 platform that leverages and integrates the technologies of Web-TV and techniques of art therapy workshops shared, to create models for the treatment of Alzheimer's patients / neurodegenerative illness / evolutional depression and patients with rehabilitation necessity. Development of a social network designed to improve the quality of life of these patients and to train remote families and caregivers and psychological support of patients. 2- A)Identification of non-pharmacological therapies aimed at people with Alzheimer's disease or neurodegenerative diseases and / or involutional depression , to improve cognitive activity , increase motor performance and encourage socialization. Development of models of cognitive rehabilitation home automation in order to improve the functional adaptation of the patient and his subjective well-being , as well as to delay the institutionalization of the same . Definition and implementation of medical protocols and medical records and unique bilingual B) Harmonization of technological solutions for patient care , already implemented by the partners in their own country , with adjoining joint development of an interactive system with functionality, form and how to use traditional (television remote control + active + smart environmental sensors ) , easy to use , innovative and fun ( that maximizes then the degree of acceptability by the patient ) , able to: Provide patient -specific multimedia content (which will be developed during the project ) ; Monitor the patient's behavior through special sensors (eg web-cam or motion sensors ) . C) Joint development of technology services and bilingual multimedia content for : Rehabilitation of the patient psychomotor ( content of art therapy , serious -game, psychomotor rehabilitation exercises , and educational videos ) ; Training for psychological support and care for family caregivers and family social health of patients suffering from Alzheimer's. It is important to emphasize that the functional specifications of the system will be defined together with the patients, their families and caregivers , with a typical Living Lab approach ( defining the characteristics of a service directly with the categories of users who will use it ) . Even the same schedules of the Web-TV will be defined ad-hoc , in collaboration with patients and their families, to ensure the best rehabilitation for the patient. D ) Integration of what co-developed in one system safe and interconnected : - Networking of intelligent Web-TV ; - Standardization of computerized medical records ( same size , same fields to be filled in English and Italian , auto- translated content , the standard method for inserting comments etc.). - Standardization of communication protocols and technologies / methodologies and make sure of the data; - Make sure of web-service accessible from the Web-TV and interactive solutions . E) Evaluation of models of cognitive rehabilitation in relation to the social impact of the same patients. 3- F) Reinforcement of family and social ties between patients , family members / caregivers and nursing staff . Reduction of non-drug prescriptions , an improvement / temporary stabilization of the psycho- cognitive functions . Making the patient share in the stabilization of the general condition (thanks Living Lab approach ) . Set in motion a mechanism that allows a psycho-motor rehabilitation of the patient also has an effect on the effective delay the progress of the disease. Sociological study on Alzheimer's disease through analysis and studies based on a socio -behavioral approach . G) Development of new services in reception facilities for the sick . Creating a therapeutic approach to the treatment of disease ( medical protocols , medical records, etc.). Single harmonized in Europe and among the various countries. Commissioning a service ( exchange and sharing of data on a geographically distributed system ) to care for people with Alzheimer's and their families. Definition and implementation of bilingual medical ( English and each Country ) records and routine tests only for patients treated ( this is for patients with Alzheimer's dementia , neurodegenerative diseases, rehabilitation issues ) Lowering the cost of health care related to Alzheimer lla and rehabilitation ( if this strategy will give good results , you can reduce drug therapies and may reduce the dedicated staff, it is no longer essential to the 1:1 relationship between patient and psychologist / technical rehabilitation and so on. could also be reduced access to hospital ) . H) Study of an economic model in which to implement the services market tested and new trades ( people who can follow an ad-hoc training and be placed in a new and innovative working environment ) in the reception centers . Through the interactive exchange of data between patient and doctor , it will be possible to evaluate the service drive efficiencies (programs, exercises, etc. . ), So you can optimize and validate the service so effectively by the end of the project. 4- Its also to developed new medical areas ( Glucometer, blood pressure, Po2 saturation, falls , localization in environment with use of I-Healt technology : we have to inquire if the device are all validated , in other word type-approved). Important. Bluetooth 5- technology or , better WI-FI. 6- Improve program rehabilitation training for individual necessity 7- Appropriately moment to use non pharmacological therapy at home ( for example Doll Therapy, music therapy) 8- Clinical data treatment in a cloud specific for privacy respect 9- Very important: we can have to have the support from Institutional Regional Health in Italy ( example: Lombardy, Tuscany and Puglia) for domiciliary therapy and this fact can be able to increase possibility to approve the project by European Community. I think we have a lot of strategies to prepare definitively the project. Best regards. Aladar Ianes. Aladar Bruno Ianes Direttore Settore Medico-Sanitario SEGESTA2000 S.r.l. Viale Cassala, 16 20143 Milano T +39 02 831271 F +39 02 83127190 E a.ianes@grupposegesta.com www.grupposegesta.com http://www.grupposegesta.com/ Le informazioni contenute nella presente comunicazione ed i relativi allegati possono essere riservati e sono, comunque, destinati esclusivamente alle persone o alle Società in indirizzo. La diffusione, comunicazione, distribuzione e/o copiatura delle informazioni/documenti trasmessi da parte di qualsiasi soggetto diverso dal destinatario o non autorizzato sono proibite, sia ai sensi dellart. 616 C.P., sia ai sensi del D.lgs. 196/2003. Se avete ricevuto questo messaggio per errore, Vi preghiamo di distruggerlo e di informarci immediatamente per telefono al numero 02 831271 o inviando un messaggio allindirizzo e-mail info@grupposegesta.com. Si fa inoltre presente che lindirizzo di posta elettronica da cui è stata inviata la presente comunicazione è Aziendale e non personale, qualsiasi comunicazione ivi inviata può essere quindi letta anche da incaricati aziendali diversi dal suo utilizzatore principale. The information contained in this communication and relative attachments may be confidential and is thus intended exclusively for the addressed persons or Companies. The circulation, communication, distribution and/or copying of the information/documents transmitted by any subject other than the addressee or by a subject not explicitly authorized, is prohibited pursuant to Art. 616 of the Criminal Code and Decree Law 196/2003. If you have received this message by mistake, we kindly request you to destroy it and to inform us immediately by telephone on 02 831271 or by sending a message to the email address info@grupposegesta.com . It should also be noted that this communication has been sent from a Company electronic mail address and not a personal one. Company officials other than the main user may thus read any communication sent to this address. Da: Robohome [mailto:robohome-bounces@mercurio.srv.di.unimi.it] Per conto di Alberto Borghese Inviato: giovedì 27 febbraio 2014 20:46 A: robohome@di.unimi.it Oggetto: [Robohome] Robohome2.0 starting point Dear partners, to have a better ide of our starting point, please find herewith a video on Giraff+ that illustrates its functionalities: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydo6y5Rq_XI. GiraffPlus integrates advanced activity monitoring using a network of sensors together with a Giraff robot. Therefore our main effort should be focus on creating a netwrok for monitoring physical and cognitive activity of the elder that is complementary to what is already present in Giraff+. Sumarizing the main features of interest of Giraff+ for Robohome are: - the capability of Giraff of moving autonomously in the house, given a target position identified on the map. - the presence of a Kinect camera + a touch screen in Giraff. - the ability to recharge autonomously with a mechanism similar to that employed by AIBO robots. - the integration of a sub-network of ambient sensors (gasfire on, sitting on the sofa, TV on, gas alarm... ) - the integration of a sub-network for clinical monitoring (pressure sensors, .....) You may find a video on REWIRE here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kGrl3iETug. We will incorporate the hierarchical structure that is a legacy of the FITREHAB and REWIRE projects and the IGER system will be made available as project background by UMIL. The main features of IGER are: - full configurability - full adaptation. - monitoring integrated. - data log. - real-time adaptation. - multi-device support. Alberto Prof. N. Alberto Borghese Department of Computer Science - University of Milano Via Comelico, 39 - 20135 Milano, Italy Telephone: +39-02-503.16325 Fax: +39-02-503.16373. Email: mailto:alberto.borghese@unimi.it alberto.borghese@unimi.it Skype: borgheseA Laboratory of Applied Intelligent Systems (AIS Lab) Via Celoria 20, Edificio CTU-3, http://ais-lab.di.unimi.it/ http://ais-lab.di.unimi.it/ Telephone: +39.02-503.14011 Fax: +39-02-503.14012.
participants (1)
Aladar Ianes