Hi everyone, I spoke to my neighbor (the electronics engineer). What emerged is that STmicroelectronics no longer supports WIFI among its wireless technologies. For this reason, we computer scientists met and thought about a reinterpretation of the project architecture, which greatly simplifies all development. The idea is to use Raspberry PI(https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj1ybSMjsP0AhUpwAIHHbilAPMQFnoECAMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.it%2FRASPBERRY-PI-ARM-Cortex-A72-Bluetooth-Micro-HDMI%2Fdp%2FB07TC2BK1X&usg=AOvVaw1bTwMsxesCXWfi6Q_3Iw-R ): a microcomputer to be left in the farms that takes care of doing the classification directly on the farms! In this way there would be no more need to send audio files over the internet (extremely expensive operation in terms of bandwidth), but only the labels that are recognized. To simplify this, I have created two diagrams that show the past and the future of the proposal. I am also attaching an article(https://pub.dega-akustik.de/ICA2019/data/articles/000660.pdf ) that shows how the use of this type of solutions with microcomputer is feasible and already used. let me know if the new architecture we propose is clear to you kind regards, Mael
Dear all,
we think that it would be useful to arrange a meeting to discuss this change in architecture and any other open issue, ideally before Christmas, so I created the following doodle
Please complete it at your earliest convenience.
thank you,
On 01/12/21 18:26, Mael Vittorio Vena
Hi everyone, I spoke to my neighbor (the electronics engineer). What emerged is that STmicroelectronics no longer supports WIFI among its wireless technologies. For this reason, we computer scientists met and thought about a reinterpretation of the project architecture, which greatly simplifies all development.
The idea is to use Raspberry PI(https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj1ybSMjsP0AhUpwAIHHbilAPMQFnoECAMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.it%2FRASPBERRY-PI-ARM-Cortex-A72-Bluetooth-Micro-HDMI%2Fdp%2FB07TC2BK1X&usg=AOvVaw1bTwMsxesCXWfi6Q_3Iw-R ): a microcomputer to be left in the farms that takes care of doing the classification directly on the farms! In this way there would be no more need to send audio files over the internet (extremely expensive operation in terms of bandwidth), but only the labels that are recognized.
To simplify this, I have created two diagrams that show the past and the future of the proposal.
I am also attaching an article(https://pub.dega-akustik.de/ICA2019/data/articles/000660.pdf ) that shows how the use of this type of solutions with microcomputer is feasible and already used.
let me know if the new architecture we propose is clear to you
kind regards,
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-- *********************************** Dr.-Eng. Stavros Ntalampiras Associate Professor, Department of Computer science University of Milan, Italy https://sites.google.com/site/stavrosntalampiras/home ***********************************
participants (2)
Mael Vittorio Vena
Stavros Ntalampiras